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Entity Encounter # (1.) Minotaur/Satyr type Being

This is just one of many encounters that occurred during the time that i lived in a house located in Cheshire street Hartford Connecticut. This was my first ever encounter with an entity.

The image above is a photo of the house. Interestingly enough, when i google searched the street address to find the house, it immediately shows me the house without typing in the house number. top left corner shows the wrong number. The correct unit number is 190.

The red arrow indicates the location of my bedroom window at the time where this entity was seen from outside looking in. Below i will display a map of the first floor from as far as i can remember.

Location Of Encounter: *My Bedroom*

Aprox Time: 6am-8am aprox.

Aprox Age: 5-7 aprox

The encounter began when i was laying in bed. It was during the day i believe. Early in the morning. I woke up to somebody whispering my name. "Jonathan.. Jonathan...." I was just waking up.

When i awoke. I had the blanket over my head, and i was afraid to

pull it down. Because i did not recognize the voice, it was a very deep and raspy creepy sinister voice. I ignored it as much as i could, but it continued to call my name. "Jonathan.. Jonathan...."

Suddenly. My bed started to shake violently slowly being pulled towards the window.

When i realized the bed was moving, shaking it's way across the room, i pulled down the blankets in shock only to find this entity looking at me from outside through my bedroom window with a deep serious stare as the bed moved closer and closer towards the entity.

Whispering my name one final time "Jonathan..."As he fogged up the window with his hot breath. Slowing dragging both it's hands downward on the glass, with dark almost black colored eyes, brown fur, and curling horns. The entity appeared to resemble a half human, half bull or goat type of hybrid.

I screamed for my mother over and over, surprisingly the doorknob had been somehow removed from the inside with the screws on the ground, my mother tried hard to get into the room, my bed finally met with the window where this entity was, and i kicked the window out of fear breaking the glass at the same time my mother came in. And the entity had vanished. In shock she was, because she saw everything happening except for the entity in the window. It was at the moment when things began to happen. And numerous experiences followed.

When we first moved into the house, there were signs of witchcraft or some type of satanic rituals taking place there. I remember when we all went to view the house before it was purchased, and the boiler room had drawings of naked women and satyr entities performing sacrifices. These images were hand drawn on the walls of the room and obtained very odd shapes & symbols one representing what looked like a pentagram.

Id also like to point out that my mother had a huge history dabbling in the arts herself. So this did not scare her out of buying the house, it actually excited her. As she followed on to perform rituals with her friends in a religious/ritualistic form of magic called Santeria or Regla de Ocha as some call it. My belief is that she dabbled with the darker side of Santeria called Palo Mayombe. Which involves the worshiping of saints, such as the arch angel Micheal, John the baptist, performing animal sacrifices and digging up human bones from graves for spiritual spell bounding purposes and so on.

Some of these acts she had confessed to me when i was older, that she indeed took part in that involved digging up graves. I also was a witness to some of the spells she performed, including one she performed using 3 snakes that i found outside when i was about 13yrs old on me and my siblings, to find what she stated as the "chosen one". Which i will explain in further detail in a much later blog. Titled "Chosen One".

Below is an example of saint worship in Santeria Practice.

Below is an example of saint worship in Santeria of Palo Mayombe.

Here is a background on what these practices consists of in the links Below:




Palo Mayombe


So not only was the place already full of activity before we moved in, but it increased with the continuous practice of magic. Only making things more powerful, and manifestations more frequent and vivid.


Thank You For Reading.

(Keep an eye out for the next post in the blogs section of the homepage involving the next paranormal encounter with an entity. Also in this same house.)

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