Inter-dimensional Greetings.
He's got 3 boxes.
Entity whispers - John...
To listen to more evidence captured in this location - click on the EVIDENCE tab above, currently all the EVPs shown there were captured in this specific location, except for maybe 2 or 3.
Mount Misery Road.
And a few in my home.
Hello, my name is Jonathan Vargas, but i prefer to be called John. I am a paranormal investigator, I've been studying multiple\numerous subjects involving the paranormal since i was very young. My interest began with personal experiences and branched off into a search for truth, and answers to what it was that i experienced. Throughout my life i have had a pretty huge amount of encounters with the paranormal. Not just ghost/spirits or whatever most investigators like to label them as, but extraterrestrial and inter-dimensional beings as well. I have come to set an amount of my own conclusions based on my extensive research into these subjects and set out my own personal investigations alone to obtain evidence that would allow my to conduct an analysis and study of whatever the paranormal phenomena is that i encounter and obtain evidence from. Through this systematic sequence of analysis and review, i can puzzle piece things together with an investigative state of mind, with of course remaining open to any other possible conclusions, to help me understand and identify to the best of my ability what exactly the source of the paranormal activity may be.
The paranormal field depending on the subject is a very "deeper then the ocean deep" type of research, and requires evidence to properly study whatever the phenomena is that is occurring in this reality we are perceiving. To label evidence captured during investigations as a known subject is a risky and unprofessional thing to do. For example, when it comes to EVP/ITC research the reality behind the communication with the entity/being responding can not be 100% determined. Because it is not something we understand entirely. You can not say that you are communicating with a spirit of a human being that has died, and label the source of communication the "after life" without actually knowing 100% that this is the case. But the communications are real, the voices come through, they speak, the are intelligent, and they are very much still alive in some form. Whether they are spirits, extraterrestrials, Inter-dimensional beings, or whatever, there is still a possibility they very well could be something we are entirely unfamiliar with.
There are a lot of investigators in this field that like to believe they know what they are dealing with. And i can not take those people seriously, and i'm sure 90% of nonbelievers and believers won't either. The purpose of investigation is to find answers to help us understand and learn what the phenomena is. Not explain it away with the first primitive answers that come to mind.
With all the audio/evidence that i have collected and reviewed. I have come to the conclusion that we must keep our minds open to the endless possibilities. We can be communicating with anything. Even entities that were simply born without a physical body and possibly learned to adapt to how we Humans function which very well could be some sort of manipulation process/project. Posing to be something we are familiar with. Even a loved one that has passed on. The fact is we don't know who we are speaking to, and even though the entities may sound like people we once knew, they very well could be someone/something entirely different. And i could be wrong. But i don't have the answers, just evidence of something/someone existing and communicating intelligently that we are not able to see.
With that said, i want everyone who is an investigator and has listened to my evidence to listen closely, & study it. Take what you have heard and add it to your own research, and learn to develop a new way of thinking when analyzing evidence you capture on your own. Lets approach this subject with pure professionalism and stop putting labels on things we do not entirely understand. Using the term ghosts, angels, or demons, is well passed our time frame of existence, we are no longer in the mid-evil days anymore. There are now possible scientific terms and highly possible theoretical conclusions that have been made here, conclusions that can be very hard to look past.
For any questions, or for obtaining copies of these audio sessions for personal research
Please email me at: ( )
Mount misery is located in the well-to-do area of West Hills. It starts at the intersection of Broad Hollow Road (RT 110) and Sweet Hollow Road and ends at about Jericho Turnpike. It is one of the highest point on Long Island. Before industrial development a clear view of Connecticut could be seen from it's summit. The area was settled in the 1600's and was a small farming community. The town and the area played a small role in the revolutionary war, on the British side (much to the chagrin of many of the colonies). It boasts some real history including having played host to George Washington and Benjamin Franklin, and the birthplace of the poet Walt Whitman. But it also boasts some very impressive paranormal history as well. Interesting enough, the name of the mount is not what you might think. The early settlers nick named the point mount misery because it was a trade route and the steep hill and rocky terrain made it difficult for wagons to pass over.
When Long Island was purchased for the equivalent of $25 from the local Indians the settlers we're told to stay away from this area. They claimed that there we're evil sprits at work on top of the old hill. At the time the hill was not known as Mount Misery. There we're rumors of strange lights in the sky above the mount and a "man-beast" that roamed the hills. The beast was said to have glowing eyes. Then, in 1840, a hospital was built on top of the mount for the insane. It was the custom at the time to lock the mentally ill away in homes. This hospital was such a place. Not long after the hospital was built, there was a fire and it was burned down to the foundation. Many patients we're killed in the fire. About 15 years later the hospital was rebuilt. It was said that the smell of the burning building and the screams of the victims could be heard at night. Strangely, the new hospital burned down only a mere 5 months after being built.
There are also stories closer to our current time as well. In April of 1967, an elderly woman who lived alone in a house near the summit of Mount Misery had received a visit from some strange looking men immediately after a severe rainstorm. In the women's own words we have this account: "They had high cheekbones and very red faces, like a bad sunburn. They were very polite but they said my land belonged to their tribe and they were going to get it back. What frightened me was their feet. They didn't have a car...they must have walked up that muddy hill...but their shoes were spotlessly clean. There was no trace of mud or water where they walked in my house." After this incident only a week later she had another visitor. This was a woman with striking white hair who claimed to represent a local newspaper. She carried a book like a big ledger and asked the witness a number of personal questions about her family background. When she called the newspaper to confirm this women's claims after she had left she was told that they employed no one fitting that description.
Related to Mount Misery is the story of a spectral police officer that patrols the stretch between RT 110 and Jericho Turnpike known as Sweet Hollow Road. On a routine traffic stop the officer was shot in the head and killed. It is now rumored that this ghost still pulls cars over. It's only when the officer walks away that you notice something's missing, and that missing thing is the back of his head! Another story is of a women that got a flat tire. When she steeped out to change it, she was hit and killed by a passing car. This happened in the 1970's directly under the Northern State overpass. It's said that if you park your car there at night facing Rt 110 and shut your lights, put the car in neutral and wait, she'll push your car up a small incline till you clear the overpass.
And it's not just ghosts up in the hills. The elderly women mentioned above has reappeared. Her encounters we're after a rash of UFO sightings in and around Melville. In fact stories abound about strange men in black paying visits to the locals. They seem to come from nowhere and always appear after a sighting. They come by and ask questions like "last night did you see anything strange in the sky?" There have been many sightings of unexplained flying objects around the mount. One women, Miss Jane P. Paro, who had a talk show on local station WBAB, spoke of the very same sightings mentioned here. Soon after she reported some UFO sightings around Mount Misery she began to receive all manner of crank calls, both at the station and on her unlisted home phone. Metallic voices ordered her to meet them on 'the Mount'. She declined their invitation.
A simple Google search will give you an incredible number of hits concerning Mt. Misery, most of which lead to the same or very similar stories. While this may be enough to provoke interest its known that a lot of myths from other parts of the country have attributed and in some cases intertwined with the myths of Mt. Misery. So ghosts, UFO's , strange lights in the sky, and men in black all in one place.
Mt. Misery is two locations, divided by the Northern State Parkway. Site 1 is on the South end at the Radio tower itself. Site 2 is the North end by a park/undeveloped area across the parkway from the radio tower. Paranormal activity has been reported at both locations.
NOTE: The legends of Mount Misery are also closely tied and intertwined with Sweet Hollow Road.