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My Paranormal Experiences With Entities

One very specific detail that i would like to point out about me. Is that i have had many paranormal experiences and encounters with entities i could see with my very eyes. I have also been contacted by an extraterrestrial/inter-dimensional entity back in the year of august 2012 that i will describe in detail much later in an upcoming blog that will be titled The Whistler. A story of an encounter with an entity that not only did i see face to face, but it followed me for 3 months everywhere i went. No matter if i had moved to a different house or location. It would follow me, trying to re-establish contact with me by whistling in a very strange manner, only when nobody was around, mostly very late at night. Attempting to catch my attention by knocking on the walls and whistling. And many many more experiences i will mention below.

In relation to my experiences involving entities, the reason why i use the term entities. I want everyone to understand that nobody knows what these beings/entities are. Based on numerous experiences and encounters i came to the realization that anything is possible. These entities can be anything. From spiritual, to inter/multi/trans-dimensional, even extraterrestrial beings. Or even something completely and entirely unknown.

I have seen things that still till this day boggle my mind. Things of which remain undocumented by anyone else, meaning that not only was i the only person that i know of having these types of experiences, but there wasn't any proof anywhere else documented anywhere. This lead me to believe that based on the typical natural paranormal experiences that most of us all share at some point in life, i could not relate nor compare my experiences to the typical categories of the natural paranormal experience. When i say natural paranormal experience, i mean an experience with the paranormal that is common. Like sleep paralysis for example. My experiences involve things like manipulating reality, or waking up with an object manifested from my dreams containing very un-natural properties or functions then disappearing days later. Sounds crazy, yes i know. But these are the types of experiences i speak of. And that is just the tip of the ice berg here. Those types of experiences were rare. They did not happen as often as the rest. But the most interesting experiences, were of those involving entities. 10% of which were likely to be un-common to the typical more relate-able experiences others unlike myself may have had at some point.

I have seen and been visited by numerous entities of many types throughout my entire 27 years of life. Mostly in my childhood. And periodically throughout the years. What the reasons were for these types of contacts remain unsolved. Because with many of these experiences/encounters with entities, only one of them actually communicated with me. The others remained silent. Or did not speak in the English language. Here follows a list of entities i will describe in details that i have encountered in order.

Visual: First memories as a infant in a crib. Age under a year. Location. Don't exactly know.

Visual: Creepy ghostly old woman at the bathroom window. Hartford CT. Age 3.

Visual: Bull/Human Hybrid entity staring at me from outside the house looking at me through the window with his hands on the glass. (Possible Minotaur or Satyr type entity.) Chessire Street Hartford CT. Age 4.

Visual: Energy/electric or plasma type entity that broke the door barging into the back door of our home. Chessire Street Hartford CT. Age 4.

Visual: Rock thrown by invisible force at rapid speed breaking mother's back window of her car. Chessire Street Hartford CT. Age 4.

Visual: Two Tall Hooded Shadow beings with small diamond shaped red glowing eyes and big claw like hands in the basement of our home. Chessire Street Hartford CT. Age 4.

Visual: Statues of saints sticking out their tongues and bleeding from their eyes as the made horrific demonic like sounds. Chessire Street Hartford CT. Age 4

Physical: Being poked very hard on my spine by invisible force making my back arch un-naturally almost every morning waking me from my sleep in a paralysis state. Would last a few seconds then stop completely. Chessire Street Hartford CT. Age 5.

Physical: Blankets and pillows being yanked off my body and thrown across the room by invisible forces. Chessire Street Hartford CT. Age 5.

Physical: Bed shaking and moving slightly across the room by invisible force. Chessire Street Hartford CT. Age 5.

Visual: Fan rotating on it's base by an invisible force. Isabela Puerto Rico. Age 6.

Non Visual: Heavy Breathing and groaning in the closet. Isabela Puerto Rico. Age 6.

Non Visual: Sleep Paralysis Levitation. Isabela Puerto Rico. Age 6.

Visual: Alien like hybrid creature running in the woods. Isabela Puerto Rico. Age 6.

Psychic Dream: Woke up experiencing a dream repeating it'self in detail in reality. Isabela Puerto Rico. Age 7.

Visual: Blimp/Cigar shaped UFO floating above our home. Isabela Puerto Rico. Age 8.

Visual Visitation: Man who visited me in school playground during recess who knew everything about me. Isabela Puerto Rico. Age 9.

Dream: : Ritual in a church with blood sacrifice. Odd man standing next to my mother in front of a pillar which held a bowl of water and a wavy shaped silver n gold dagger. Connecticut. Age 10.

Non Visual: Entity in the closet yelling to me and a girlfriend at the time to "get out" - Forthood military base Killeen TX. Age 14.

Non Visual: Strange being i encountered growling almost roaring in the forest area of Comanche bride in Forthood military base Killeen TX. Age 15.

Visual: Lost soul of a shadow being dressed in combat gear still holding a rifle running in front of our car. Tape mysteriously recorded over. Forhood military base Killeen TX. Age 15.

Visual: Necronomecon demon at bedroom Sliding Glass Door. Killen Texas. Age 16.

Non Visual: Being that tor down my blinds and flung them across the room. 263 rocky road Killeen TX. Age 17.

Visual: Picture frame representing the Jesus Footsteps Poem. Ripped off wall as soon as i open the door breaking as it landed leaving glass everywhere. 263 rocky road Killeen TX. Age 17.

Visual: Tall Shadow Being in the hallway. Followed by extremely scary evp of a being introducing himself as kumah. Tape mysteriously recorded over. 263 rocky road Killeen TX. Age 18.

Non Visual: Being that held me down in my sleep whispering into my ear with multiple voices speaking at once in a different language. 263 rocky road Killeen TX. Age 18.

Non visual: Being that poked me in the stomach in while i pretended to sleep so i could try n catch what it looked like. 263 rocky road Killeen TX. Age 18.

Non Visual: Invisible force banging frantically on bedroom door trying to get in, when i opened the door meanwhile it was unlocked the whole time, the banging and twisting of door knob continued but no visible cause stood before me. 263 rocky road Killeen TX. Age 18.

Spirtual Connection with ET's: I began trying to contact extraterrestrials via deep levels of meditation with remarkable results as they responded every time with a visual appearance and signs in the sky. Copperas Cove TX. Age 21.

Visual: Meditation with eyes open. A swirl of green energy appeared and materialized into a small earth diva like entity with a hand on ly knee looking up at me smiling. Copperas Cove TX. Age 21.

Visual Visitation: 5 blue glowing beings holding hands around me, waking up to them in the middle of the night with blue-ish green fog like energy surrounding them and me. Copperas Cove TX. Age 21.

Lucid Dream: Militarized Attack at an airport, hailed gunfire by fleet of helicopters with heavy machine guns killing everyone including me. Woke up sweating and scared. Fell back asleep into now a lucid dream in the same dream from the start. Knowing what was going to happen, i immediately try warning everyone, with no luck the cycle repeated. Copperas Cove TX. Age 21.

Visual & Non Visual: Encounter with an entity of alien/inter-dimensional origin, The Whistler. Which comes through my PSB7 sessions. Gonzales TX. Age 22.

Non Visual: Voice in the middle of nowhere in an open field out in the country 2am whispering "hey you, come here" from a pitch black dark area. Likely the being that possessed my friend later that year. Gonzales TX. Age 23.

Visual: Possession of friend Anthony Juarez, yelling "your Next!" "your Next!" "your Next!". Gonzales TX. Age 23.

Visual: Derick the naked child, pale skinned, long dark haired, with long sharp nails, demonic like child. Age 23.

Visual: UFO encounter in my bedroom. Strange circular flow of energy purple in color, when it realized i could see it, it jolted as if startled, then took off flying through my wall and out of the room. Age 24.

Above are listed experiences i have had with entities in order. Also describing my other experiences as well. I will explain each in detail in another blog soon. Each having it's own individual blog Titled by the experiences in order.

Out of all the things that i have experienced, the way of perceiving the world around me had dramatically changed. I slowly began to change my way of thinking and started to look deeper then i ever had before. I began to study everything in every inch of detail. The more aware i became of my surroundings, the more experiences began to manifest. I had reached a point where i have found myself questioning my existence. I couldn't comprehend what was happening to me, and i dedicated my life to search for an answer. An answer that could once and for all save me from all this confusion. Though the deeper i searched, the more confused i grew. As i started learning more about these experiences. My mind began to open to the reality of what could actually be taking place. And NakedEyeBlind Paranormal Research was born.

I will continue updating and documenting my experiences in the future as the unfold. Though there hasnt been many in a while other then when i am undergoing a paranormal ivestigation or spirit box session.

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